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最近在網路上看到[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 覺得價格很實在 深得我心
以下是[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!
Interactive free app educates and gets kids excited about brushing Exciting rewards for successful brushing sessions
Keep track of your kids brushing time/frequency via parents section of the app Add rewards to motivate
98 percent of parents say it`s easier to get kids to brush longer and better
Patented sonic technology with 500 strokes per second 75 percent more effective than manual toothbrushes in hard to reach areas for better check-ups guaranteed
Kid timer helps ensure 2minute recommended brushing time, and kid pacer alerts the child to move to the next quadrant of the mouth to ensure a thorough cleaning
Keep kids engaged while they learn how to brush independently. The Philips sonicare for kids bluetooth-enabled toothbrush interacts with a fun and educational app that helps kids brush better and for longer. Kids have fun while learning techniques that will last for a lifetime. Sonicare for kids is safe and gentle on teeth and gingival tissue, while removing more plaque in hard-to-brush areas than a children's manual toothbrush. 98 percent of parents say it`s easier to get kids to brush lo體驗nger and better
Product Dimensions: 2.5 x 4.4 x 9.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
UPC: 075020051066
Item model number: HX6321/02
Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)
[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
台北?09月19日 交易日 ◆買超 代碼 股票名稱 外 資 投 信 自營商 合 計 買賣超 買賣超 買賣超 買賣超 1815 富喬 -2063 0 3293 1230 5347 世界 1166 0 25 1191 3264 欣銓 253 246 566 1065 8436 大江 445 213 46 704 4105 東洋 385 33 77 495 3526 凡甲 176 198 87 461 6147 頎邦 155 10 294 459 5443 均豪 445 0 0 445 3324 雙鴻 476 0 -60 416 6411 晶焱 411 0 0 411 6220 岳豐 407 0 -10 397 6187 萬潤 173 0 192 365 6488 環球晶 372 0 -9 363 8042 金山電 265 0 74 339 3152 璟德 135 55 147 337 3260 威剛 -283 0 599 316 4991 環宇-KY 95 0 211 306 4147 中裕 -47 335 3 291 6190 萬泰科 290 0 0 290 6274 台燿 235 -50 96 281 ◆賣超 代碼 股票名稱 外 資 投 信 自營商 合 計 買賣超 買賣超 買賣超 買賣超 6121 新普 -1541 0 36 -1505 5483 中美晶 -874 0 -3 -877 3141 晶宏 -305 -595 32 -868 3374 精材 -208 0 -519 -727 5349 先豐 -261 -234 -33 -528 8299 群聯 -655 0 149 -506 8383 千附 -192 -128 61 -259 3452 益通 -253 0 3 -250 6244 茂迪 -276 0 32 -244 6143 振曜 83 -294 -13 -224 8074 鉅橡 0 -219 20 -199 4401 東隆興 -192 0 1 -191 4163 鐿鈦 -87 -94 5 -176 4157 太景*-KY -175 0 1 -174 8076 伍豐 -197 0 40 -157 5439 高技 31 -184 0 -153 8086 宏捷科 -149 0 0 -149 6182 合晶 -136 0 0 -136 3289 宜特 -100 -72 46 -126 4126 太醫 -80 -39 -2 -121
(路透東京25日電)前世界第1丹麥好手瓦芝妮雅琪今天以7-5、6-3力克日本青年好手大坂直美(NaomiOsaka),第2度摘下泛太平洋女網公開賽(PanPacific Open)冠軍。這是她今年第1個冠軍頭銜。
26歲的瓦芝妮雅琪(Caroline Wozniacki)首盤丟了兩個發球局後情況不妙,但在接受大腿治療後銳不可擋,用106分鐘拿下生涯第24座冠軍。
[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 推薦, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 討論, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 部落客, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 比較評比, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 使用評比, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 開箱文, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02?推薦, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 評測文, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 CP值, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 評鑑大隊, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 部落客推薦, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 好用嗎?, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 去哪買?